Nicholas David Allan


Peer Reviewed Publications:

Parker, A.E., D.K. Walker, D.M. Goeres, N.D. Allan, M.E. Olson, A. Omar.  2014.  “Ruggedness and Reproducibility of the MBEC Biofilm Disinfectant Efficacy Test”. Journal of Microbiological Methods.  102:55-64.


Allan, N.D., K. Giare-Patel, and M.E. Olson.  2012.  "An In Vivo Rabbit Model for the Evaluation of Antimicrobial Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter to Reduce Microbial Migration and Colonization as Compared to an Uncoated PICC," Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, vol. 2012, Article ID 921617, 12 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/921617.


Harrison, J.J., C.A Stremick, R.J Turner, N.D. Allan, M.E. Olson, H. Ceri. 2010. Microtiter susceptibility testing of microbes growing on peg lids: a miniaturized Biofilm model for high-throughput screening.  Nature Protocols. 5:1236-1254.


Harrison, J.J., R.J Turner, D.A. Joo, M.A. Stan, C.S. Chan, N.D. Allan, H.A. Vrionis, M.E. Olson, H. Ceri.  2008.  Copper and quaternary ammonium cations exert synergistic bactericidal and anti-biofilm activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Antimicrob. Agents and Chemother.  52:2870-2881.


Allan, N. and T.J. Beveridge.  2003.  Gentamicin delivery to Burkholderia cepacia group IIIa strains via membrane vesicles from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1.  Antimicrob. Agents and Chemother.  47:2962-2965.


Allan, N., C. Kooi, P.A. Sokol, and T.J. Beveridge. 2003.  Putative virulence factors are associated with membrane vesicles released from Burkholderia cepacia.  Can. J. Microbiol. 49:613-624.


Allan, N.D. 2003.   “Characterization of natural and gentamicin induced membrane vesicles from Burkholderia cepacia”.   MSc. Thesis.  University of Guelph.


Book Chapters:

Harding, M.W., R.J. Howard, G.D. Daniels, S.L. Mobbs, S.L.I. Lisowski, N.D. Allan, A. Omar and M.E. Olson.  2011.  “A multi-well plate method for rapid growth, characterization and biocide sensitivity testing of microbial biofilms on various surface materials.” In Science against microbial pathogens:  communicating current research and technological advances, A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.), Formatex pp.872-877.


Allan, N.D., A. Omar, M.W. Harding, and M.E. Olson.  2011.  “A rapid, high-throughput method for culturing, characterizing and biocide efficacy testing of both planktonic cells and biofilms” In Science against microbial pathogens:  communicating current research and technological advances, A. Mendez-Vilas (Ed.), Formatex pp.864-871.


U.S. Provisional No. 60/982,419 “Natural Photodynamic Agents and Their Uses”.

U.S. Provisional No.  61/286,119 “Articles of Manufacture with improve anti-microbial properties, Filed 14, December 2009.

U.S. Provisional No.  61/346,095 filed 19 May 2010

PCT Patent Application No.: PCT/CA2010/002007 filed December 2010


ASTM E2799-11:  “Standard Test Method for Testing Disinfectant Efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm using the MBECTM Assay”. 


Selected Presentations:

N.D. Allan, M.E. Olson, D. Nagel, R. Martin.  The impact of Versajet™ Hydrosurgical debridement on wounds containing bacterial biofilms.  20th European Tissue Repair Society Congress.  Gent, Belgium, September 15-17, 2010.


N. D. Allan, A. M. Omar, and M. E. Olson.  Development and Registration of an all Natural Photodynamic Hard Surface Sanitizer:  Sani-Lux™.  Invited Speaker.  ASTM E35 31st Symposium on Pesticide Formulations and Delivery Systems:  Innovative Green Chemistries for the 21st Century.  San Antonio, TX.  October 12-14, 2010.


M.W. Mittelman, N.D. Allan, B. Buziac, and M. Olson.  Enhancement of in vitro Antibiotic Efficacy against Staphylococcus spp. Biofilms with a Novel Adhesion Inhibitor, CF-238.  Poster # A151, ASM Biofilms 2009, Cancun, Mexico.  November 15-19, 2009.


N.D. Allan, M.W. Mittelman, and M. Olson.  A Murine Model for the Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Translocation in Post Burn Wound Trauma and the Evaluation of Topical Treatments for the prevention of Translocation.  Poster # A150, ASM Biofilms 2009, Cancun, Mexico.  November 15-19, 2009.


S. Olmstead, N.D. Allan, A. Omar, and M. Olson.  Evaluation of Nutraceutical Enzymes in the Treatment of Clinically Significant Gastrointestinal Biofilms Alone and in Combination with Relevant Antibiotics.  Poster # A154, ASM Biofilms 2009, Cancun, Mexico.  November 15-19, 2009.


Arnold, T.D., B. Buziak, N.D. Allan, and M.E. Olson.  Novel methods for the high throughput in vitro evaluation of biocides used to treat microbial biofilms responsible for pipeline corrosion.  Microbially Influenced Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industry Regional Technology Workshop, Calgary, AB, October 2007.


Marques, L.L., M.W. Harding, M.E. Olson, H. Ceri, N.D. Allan, T.D. Arnold.  High throughput screening and efficacy testing of pesticides and disinfectants-indentifying anti-biofilm projducts and protocols for managing plant diseases.  Poster # A283 ASM Biofilms 2007.  Quebec City, Quebec, March 2007.


Arnold, T.D., N.D. Allan, H. Ceri, A. DiFiore, M. Trebella, M. Olson.  A new method for the high throughput evaluation of antimicrobial catheter coatings.  Poster # B336 ASM Biofilms 2007.  Quebec City, Quebec, March 2007.


Allan, N., and T.J. Beveridge.  “The effects of gentamicin on membrane vesicle production from Burkholderia cepacia”  proceedings of Canadian Bacteriological Diseases Network Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,  June 2001.


Allan, N., P.A. Sokol, and T.J. Beveridge.  “Characterization of MVs from Burkholderia cepacia”  proceedings of Canadian Bacteriological Diseases Network Annual Meeting, Canmore, Alberta, June 2000.


Allan, N., and T.J. Beveridge “Naturally-released membrane vesicles from Burkholderia cepacia contain virulence factors” Poster session 203G abstract # 919.  40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  September 17-20, 2000.


Allan, N., and T.J. Beveridge, “Naturally-released membrane vesicles from Serratia marcescens contain a major nuclease and virulence factors” proceedings of Canadian Bacteriological Diseases Network Annual Meeting, Banff, May 1999.


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